
Monday, September 23, 2019

Song Hurumanu music 2019

Fake Friends

It's in the light when you realize
your real friends are right by your side 
that just means the others aren't even there for you
they are just fake friends trying to knock you down
from where you're at they aren't the best
Choose your friends carefully
all you need is right beside you
don't let them bring you down
it won't be fun

Fake friends are not real
you can trust the real friends
the ones you cant will just break your heart
and tell people your secrets talking smake
defriend them and walk away
just forget about them

Fake friends aren't the best type of friends
never trust them
I had a friend that was just faking to be my bestie
I found out in year 6
It was the worst feeling ever
So be careful who you trust
They might just be fake
You will be lied to
Yeah lied to

By: Abby


Animals can be a one and only time
might be sad
might be happy
you never know what will happen
it might be hurt
might be perfectly fine
if you are told when it dies just get another one
no point there is only one of them

The time there is left
spend it well
spend it nice
be glad you got the animal to shelter
or a forever home and safety
If you didn't their life will end
In a miserable way or worse

Be happy you saved their life
before it was too late
when they run out of time
never ever forget them
you gave them a better life 
Then they will of gotten

 By: Abby

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Today in C.I.P we were Raking the ivy and leaves for the outside classroom. We raked them into a pile and then we put the pile into a white container that Mrs. Allan-fletcher gave to us to use. When it was full Megan and I emptied the container. You might be wondering where we emptied the container. There was a compost area that had a lot of stuff like old planks from the middle area.
I enjoyed C.I.P  because I got to help remove the ivy and leaves because it was a good thing to do so we wouldn't get bored and the other group was pulling out weeds from the garden and another part that was right by the garden.

Friday, September 6, 2019

P.E 2019 week 7

In P.E today we played Ki-O-Rahi in period 2 and in period 4 we did research.

I hope you enjoy Libby's and I's slideshow. I hope you try the game out it is a lot of fun. Good bye and a wonderfull day!

Thursday, September 5, 2019


In Maori, we were learning about a story called Poutini and Waitaiki. And I chose one of the characters and wrote from their point of view.

I miss my husband I got taken by this creature and it has taken me someplace that I don't know. I don't have any way to get in touch with any of my family or husband. I was bathing in the pond or you might call it the river. I told my husband that I would be back by 12:00 but it is now 4:00pm and I'm not home yet, he is probably worried sick. I hope this is all fake because I don’t want to be here much longer I hope this is all a setup. If you are wondering what my name is, it is Waitaiki and my husband's name is Tamaahua and he is really sweet, oh geez i have to stop writing because the creature is coming. Okay, it has left now i can write again. I’m still scared and I want to leave.

Music through the decades

Today in music we mad a slideshow for music from different decades.

I hope you enjoy my slideshow. have a great day.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


In 7/8Al, we were reading the book Trash. I liked it because the book was cool and there is a video for the book that AL watched before starting the book. The people in the book went on a hunt for people and money they found the money eventually. There were three boys their names are Rat (Jun jun), Gardo and Raphael. There were also another two people and their names are Jose Angelico and Pia Dante.

Trash was created by Andy Mulligan. And it is a good book and i would suggest it to people who like reading. Andy Mulligan wrote this book in ten days. There was some money in a coffin that they found. They found 6 million dollars. They sleep at their grandmother's house and work a place called smokey mountain.

They ran away from the cops and also lied to the cop sin some parts. Because Raphael found a bag that had a wallet in the bag and a key that the cops were trying to find.

That is why this book is awesome and i would suggest it to people that want to read a book but just not sure what book to read. The book trash has been made into a movie.
Image result for book trashImage result for smokey mountain