
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

the mars rover mission is about

 Mars rover mission is about people looking for things on mars looking for dirt and rocks.

The Mars rover mission is about people doing a mission for things that they want to experiment with or put into something so people can see what is on mars.

Ther rover is remote controlled i think so the people can find things without having to risk their life instead so they know what is out there in case of anything bad happening to them.

Here is a bit about what i know about the mars rover mission:

The launch is on february 21st 2021 I think can't exactly remember.

A rover has wheels to move around and has a camera to see where they are going and so they can see what they are looking for.

Friday, October 23, 2020


 In drama this term we have learnt how to do 4 types of freeze frames they are:

  1. Levels
  2. Spacial relationships
  3. Facial expressions
  4. Gesture

Here is a picture of what we did last friday:

I really enjoyed it when we were doing this it was challenging to find something to do for it but it was really fun.