last week in science we were doing an egg drop we all got time to build a structure to hold the egg to save the egg from a big drop i wasn't here on the day that everyone dropped their eggs but my structer looked like a house but the rest of the class did it.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Friday, November 6, 2020
Friday Sports
Today instead of doing volleyball for Friday sports I did the 100-word challenge It was really fun to write because Sumner beach is one of my favourite because My dog Bonnie when she was with us loved going there.
Here is my 100-word challenge.
100-word challenge
Today I'm spending some of my days at Sumner Beach. It's such an awesome place to walk along with the tide and maybe walk in the tide a little bit with the fresh air instead of being at home all day I rather be outside on the sunny hot days. I also explored the cave and went on top of the rock to see what there is but from up the top, I saw all the people walking their dogs and spending time with their family having fun. I did help a fish and then I went home.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
the mars rover mission is about
Mars rover mission is about people looking for things on mars looking for dirt and rocks.
The Mars rover mission is about people doing a mission for things that they want to experiment with or put into something so people can see what is on mars.
Ther rover is remote controlled i think so the people can find things without having to risk their life instead so they know what is out there in case of anything bad happening to them.
Here is a bit about what i know about the mars rover mission:
The launch is on february 21st 2021 I think can't exactly remember.
A rover has wheels to move around and has a camera to see where they are going and so they can see what they are looking for.
Friday, October 23, 2020
In drama this term we have learnt how to do 4 types of freeze frames they are:
- Levels
- Spacial relationships
- Facial expressions
- Gesture
Friday, September 25, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Business and enterprize
For the last 3 weeks we have been involved in the B&E kek. My role in this has been the CEO of the group. What I did was tell the group the plan and help out at the stand and did the plans for all of the group so it would work with everyone and not just me and help get things ready.
My company was called Snack Crack or Pop. Our production was 2 fruit burst per balloon pined onto a dart board and needed to use 2 darts to try pop 1 or 2 or more balloons.
My reflection on how the business went overall is very good nothing went bad we all went to go look 1 by 1 so we all got to look around and we worked very well together so we dud very good.
My reflection on the overall of the B&E is very good every one did a good job with there business's and the one I liked the most is all but mainly the kawakawa balm.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
This week we were learning to do 10,100,1000's this is a summary of how we got taught how to do this maths.
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Today in maths we are learning about multiplication.
Eg. 34x6=
1.34 30 and 4 the 30 and 4 come from the 34
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Wellbeing post
In the last two weeks we have looked at Resilience - Emotional Awareness (understanding emotions) and impulses. These things mean to not giving up and to understand other peoples emotions and how your own emotions can effect other people and to think about what you do before you do it so you wont effect anyone else around you.
Being able to control my emotions in different situations avoid having problems with people and having a big issue.
Knowing how to react and respond in situations rather than acting in impulses means that i know how to control what I do to avoid drama and issues.
The effect that these things have on my social Wellbing (Taha Whanua) The effect on \my social wellbeing can be good and bad so it depends on how i react to things i guess instead of just loosing it at people.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
abby and amanda monalog
You’re right, you’re absolutely right. I don’t belong here. But do any of us?
Wait, wait, wait! We are more alike than you think! Queen Narcissa- the seven dwarfs saved Snow White and then what happened?
It left you the ….Unfairest of them all! Now you’re hustling the pool to get your next meal.
How does that feel? You, frumpy pigskin, right Rumpelstiltskin…my bad. Where’s that first born you were promised, me eh ?
Hook! Need I say more? Anastasia, remember when you couldn’t get your fat foot in that glass slipper?
Cinderella is out there right now, eating bon bons and schmoozing with every last fairy tale creature that has ever done you wrong! There are two sides to every story.
Our side has not been told. So, who wants to come out on top for once? Who wants their happily ever after?
Friday, June 19, 2020
Hurumanu 1 Mahinga Kai
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Nutritional Information
Today in health hurumanu 1, BN and Al are learning about how to keep healthy and what we should change what we have and how frequently we have it like a energy drink we don't need them every day and when we can have it, We can have it every now and then so we don't risk getting diabetes type 2 but I know way to get a rid of type 2 just lose most of the sugar you would normally and do walks with friends family and pets.
Friday, May 8, 2020
Technoalgy 1
Here are some before and after pictures:

Sorry that its messy I was in a rush because I wanted to roller skate or hangout with my mum.
Technolagy 2
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reading: Harry potter
Harry potter and the Philosophers stone written by J.K. Rowling
Reading: Harry potter
Monday, May 4, 2020
The lock-down had ended and all the people in Aki and Toshi's bubble had returned to their schools and workplaces, leaving them feeling lost and alone! Toshi wandered in to the lounge to see Aki looking sad now that the house was quiet. So Toshi suggested that they went on an adventure of their own to find the magical unicorns. Aki thought about this for a moment and let out a bark of enjoyment!
With that they set off and walked to the magical forest at the end of their street, it took them a long time to get deep into the forest but once they were deep inside Aki was scared he realised that they were lost and they didn’t have their humans to help them get home, they walked deeper and deeper inside, it was dark and there were strange sounds it was getting even scarier so Toshi found a tree that had fallen over and made a bed for them from the pine needles so they could shelter from the night. As they settled in for the long dark night Toshi thought to himself how silly going on an adventure without his people was, how hungry he was, and how he would love to be snuggled at the feet of his dad instead of in the dark with the scary sounds!
Aki woke with a feeling he was being watched, when he opened his eyes he saw eyes starring back at him so he let out a loud bark, and whatever it was turned and ran away – with that he chased it running faster and faster but he couldn’t catch it! Up the tree, it ran leaving him to bark at the base of the giant tree. Toshi followed the barks to find Aki once they were reunited Toshi suggested they left the dark forest and left exploring and hunting for the unicorns to the humans so they wouldn’t be so scared. So as the sun started to shine through the trees the boys began the long walk home.
As they came to the edge of the forest they could hear familiar sounds, they paused for a moment and listened to be sure, and sure enough the sounds where their humans yelling out their names with a hint of panic with each howl. Toshi looked to Aki barked and began to run, they ran as fast as their wee legs could carry them.. as they came to the over the final hill both boys barked delighted at the sight of their humans, with one big leap they were back in the arms of the humans that loved them.
Their humans carried the very tired exhausted boys home where the belonged, lay them by the fire with a bowl of warm milk, and there Aki and Toshi fell fast asleep dreaming of the next adventure, but next time they wouldn’t go alone.
I fixed it from Mrs Allan-Fleatcher commenting what I mucked up but I'm thank full of course so thanks alot Mrs Allan-Fleatcher For telling me 😌
Monday, February 17, 2020
Math and P.E Hurumanu 5
Here are the meters of how far my group through the Discus.
Discus On Knees Discus Standing
Abby,,9 Abby,,12m
Amanda,,18m Amanda,,20m
Shantai,,15m Shantai,,16m
A.J,,11m A.J,,12m